Day 1 :
Keynote Forum
Jan Jacques Michiels
University Hospitals Antwerp, Netherlands
Keynote: Clinical, Laboratory, Molecular and Pathobiological (CLMP) criteria for diagnosis of the Myeloproliferative Neoplasms JAK2V617F trilinear polycythemia vera (PV), JAK2 exon 12 PV and JAK2V617F, CALR or MPL mutated thrombocythemias and myelofibrosis
Time : 09:00-09:40

Prof. Dr. J. J. Michiels Multidisciplinairy Internist Blood Coagulation & Vascular Medicine Center, Erasmus Tower, Veenmos 13, 3069 AT Rotterdam, NL, Professor of Nature Medicine & Health Clinical and Molecular Genetics Blood & Coagulation Research, University Hospitals Antwerp, Brussels and Martin-Bratislava International Consultant Bloodcoagulation & Vascular Medicine Consultant Academic, Pharmaceutical and Industrial Medicine Editor Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases, Editor World Journal of Hematology, Editor in Chief World Journal of Clinical Cases.
The JAK2 V617F mutated trilinear myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) include a broad spectrum of clinical laboratory and bone marrow features in essential thrombocythemia (ET), prodromal polycythemia vera (PV) and erythrocythemic PV, classical PV and advanced stages of masked PV and PV complicated by splenomegaly and secondary myelofibrosis (MF). Heterozygous JAK2 V617F mutated ET is associated with low JAK2 allele and MPN disease burden and normal life expectance. In combined heterozygous and homozygous or homozygous JAK2 V617F mutated trilinear MPN, the JAK2 mutation load increases from less than 50% in prodromal and early stage PV to above 50% up to 100%in classical PV, advanced PV and PV with MF. Bone marrow histology of megakaryocytes with various degrees of of eryhrocytic, megakaryocytic and granulocytic (EMG) myeloproliferation in JAK2 V617F mutated trilinear MPN clearly differ from monolinear megakaryocytic (M) or dual megakaryocytic granulocytic (MG) myeloproliferation in MPL or calreticulin (CALR) mutated thrombocythemia without features of PV. The morphology of clustered large pleomorphic megakaryocytes with hyperlobulated nuclei are similar in JAK2 V67F thrombocythemia, prodromal PV and classical PV patients. Monolinear megakaryocytic (M) myeloproliferation of large to giant megakaryocytes with hyperlobulated staghorn like nuclei is the hallmark of MPL 515 mutated normocellular thrombocythemia. CALR mutated thrombocythemia usually presents with high platelet count around 1000x10 9 /l and normocellular megakaryocytic (M) proliferation of immuture megakaryocytes with socalled cloud-like hyperchromatic nuclei followed
by dual megakaryocytic granulocytic (MG) myeloproliferation followed by various degrees of bone marrow fibrosis. Natural history and life expectancy are related to the degree of anemia, splenomegaly, myelofibrosis, constitutional symptoms. The acquisition of epigenetic mutations at increasing age independently on top of MPN disease burden predict unfavorable outcome in JAK2 V617F , MPL 515 and CALR mutated myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPNs, which mutually exclude each other.
Keynote Forum
Marko Kesti
Research director at Lapland University,Finland
Keynote: Continuous employee Quality of Working Life inquiry gamifies leadership development
Time : 09:40-10:20

Marko Kesti has M.Sc. at engineering, Dr. at social sciences and Adjunct professor specialized at human capital productivity. Kesti is research director at Lapland University. He has created new scientifically approved theories and tools for analyzing human capital productivity. Kesti is member of Finnish non-fiction writers with five books and is famous lecturer at his specialty.
Staff is not only a cost; as an investment, it may form a competitive advantage. When companies start implementing continuous performance management, they need effective feedback tools. This is especially important at fast changing environment and service oriented work, which are characteristics for example at healthcare organizations. Line-managers tend to be process oriented; aiming to maximize the operative work, but the organization is a system that requires human oriented leadership approach to make long-term competitive advantages. Motivational issues are as important as operative work issue, but more difficult to detect. Supervisors’ need timely information about the possible problems because unsolved problems will eventually reduce both wellbeing and profit. To do this effectively there are needed sophisticated methods and tools, which goes way beyond annual staff surveys.
Traditional staff surveys use statistical analyzing, which is fundamentally wrong and tends to hide the development potential. These surveys are too long and done too seldom. New scientific method solves this problem – it is called the Quality of Working Life index (QWL) and it enables effective continuous feedback tool. Human performance is combination of all self-esteem factors which are Physical and emotional safety, Collaboration and identity and Objectives and creativity; therefore, single factor correlations are not reliable. Continuous QWL survey has six inquiry questions per month – two questions for each self-esteem category. QWL-index is reliable performance measurement and self-esteems guide supervisors to select optimal leadership practices. Continuous staff QWL-survey will gamify leadership and gain significant economical and customer value.
Keynote Forum
Srivatsan Sridhar
Aster DM Healthcare, UAE
Keynote: Frugal Healthcare IT Innovations & Smart Technologies in enhancing Healthcare outcomes in India
Time : 10:20-11:00

Dr. Srivatsan has completed his MBBS, FCCE( Endocrinology), PGP( Cardiology), C. Diab, MBA with more than 10+ years as a Clinician, Senior Medical Advisory & Senior Leadership roles. Currently, as a Chief Operating Officer & Head of Transformation for a 250 bedded hospital at Aster Sanad Hospital, Riyadh. Other role as a Group Corporate Strategist @ Aster DM Healthcare, a C-suite/Executive Director suite role for Global Strategies, Frugal innovations, Group Annual operating plan, Medical & Scientific affairs etc.
Dr. Rajasree S has MBBS, MD, MRCPCH(UK), FPEM and working as a Consultant Pediatrician @ Motherhood & Prashanth Hospitals, Chennai, India
Artificial Intelligence(AI), Big data & Predictive Analytics in healthcare is catching up in the west but developing countries are yet to evolve fully on these vistas. I would bring across 3 case scenarios of my contributions in transforming the Healthcare ecosystem through futuristic smart health technologies and frugal innovations in India.
AI in healthcare in India with Tricog, a start-up AI collaboration and roll-out of Tele-ECGs. Efficient Hub and spoke model plugged-in with smart ECG devices across 20 locations-- Picked up new 1000+ cardiac cases in 6 months project of surrounding rural districts, saving 163+ lives—A paradigm shift in healthcare from "Time is money" to "Time is life" in Heart attacks.
During my stint at Abbott Laboratories, we had worked on cost-effective disruptive healthcare innovations by launching a first of its kind Point of Care device Thyroid instant screening device in India, and had conducted over 5,600 camps, screening more than 2.4 Lakh patients. Prevalence in India who have hypothyroidism, is 10%. As a team, entered the Limca Book of Records for ‘Mission Thyroid Awareness Campaign’.
A primordial prevention, to decipher health begins way ahead in childhood and targeted health school screening as a part of School Health of 20,000 students, got devised. A health-pod in every school tagged to a Tertiary hospital with electronic health data & smart integrated health screening devices and capturing 2% of the disease burden. This adds testimony to the fact that a healthier nation demands effective tools for a sustainable care model, covering vast geographies.
Keynote Forum
Jan Jacques Michiels
University Hospitals Antwerp and Brussels, Belgium and Goodheart Institute Rotterdam Netherlands
Keynote: Evaluation of classical and novel von Willebrand factor assays in von Willebrand disease patients
Time : 11:15-11:55

Prof. Dr. J. J. Michiels Multidisciplinairy Internist Blood Coagulation & Vascular Medicine Center, Erasmus Tower, Veenmos 13, 3069 AT Rotterdam, NL, Professor of Nature Medicine & Health Clinical and Molecular Genetics Blood & Coagulation Research, University Hospitals Antwerp, Brussels and Martin-Bratislava International Consultant Bloodcoagulation & Vascular Medicine Consultant Academic, Pharmaceutical and Industrial Medicine Editor Journal of Hematology & Thromboembolic Diseases, Editor World Journal of Hematology, Editor in Chief World Journal of Clinical Cases.
Background: A complete set of von Willebrand factor (VWF) assays is used for the diagnosis and classification of von Willebrand disease (VWD) according to European Clinical Laboratory and Molecular (ECLM) criteria (Clinical Applied Thrombosis/Hemostasis 2017;23(6):518).
Aims: We critically evaluated the von Willebrand factor (VWF) assays VWF:GPIbM and VWF:GPIbR in von Willebrand disease (VWD) against the use of ECLM criteria as the gold standard for VWD classification anno 2018.
Methods: The complete set of VWF assays include Platelet Function Analyser closure time (PFA-CT) von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen (Ag), ristocetine cofactor activity (RCo), collagen binding (CB), propeptide (pp), ristocetine induced platelet aggregation (RIPA), the rapid VWF activity assay VWF:GPIbM based on glycoprotein Ib (GPIb) binding to particles coated with G233V and
M239V mutants in the absence of ristocetin, the rapid VWF:GPIbR assay in the presence of ristocetine, and the responses to DDAVP of FVIII:C and VWF parameters to pick up secretion and/or clearance defects of VWF.
Results: The VWF:RCo/Ag, VWF:GPIbM/Ag and VWF:GPIbR ratios are completely normal (above 0.7) in all variants of VWD type 1 and Low VWF. The VWF:RCo/Ag, GPIbR/Ag and GPIbM/Ag ratios vary around the cut off level of 0.70 in VWD due to multimerization defect in the D3 domain and therefore diagnosed as either type 1 E or type 2E. The VWF:GPIbM/Ag and VWF:GPIbR/Ag ratios are pronounced decreased as compared to VWF:RCo/Ag and VWF:CB/Ag ratios in dominant VWD 2A and VWD 2B due to proteolytic loss of large and intermediate VWF multimers caused by VWF mutations in the A2 and A1 domain. VWD 2M due to loss of function mutation in the A3 domain is featured by decreased VWF:Rco/Ag ratio and normal VWF:CB/Ag ratio, whereas the VWF:GPIbR/Ag ratio (range 0.14-28) and the VWF:GPIbM/Ag ratio (range 0.32 to 0.36) were decreased indicating the need to retain the VWF:CB assay to make a correct diagnosis of VWD 2M. The introduction of the rapid VWF:GPIbM or VWF:GPIbR assays as compared to the classical VWF:RCo assay did change VWD type 2 into type 1 in about 10 to 12%. VWD type 1 due to a heterozygous mutation in the D1 domain is featured by persistence of proVWF as the cause of VWF secretion/multimerization and FVIII binding defect mimicking VWD type 3 together with decreased values for VWFpp, VWFpp/Ag ratios. The majority of 22 different missense mutations in the D3 domain are of type 1 or 2 E multimerization defect usually associated with an additional secretion defect (increased FVIII:C/VWF:Ag ratio) and or clearance defect (increased VWFpp/Ag ratio). The majority of VWF mutations in the D4 and C1 to C6 are VWD type 1 SD with smeary (1sm) or normal (1m) multimers with no or a minor clearance defect. The heterozygous S2179F mutation in the D4 domain is featured by VWD type 1 secretion and clearance (SCD).
Summary/Conclusion: A complete set of sensitive FVIII:C and VWF assays related to domain location of the molecular defect is mandatory for correct diagnosis and classification of VWD.
Keynote Forum
Arjun Panesar; Charlotte Summers
Keynote: A Digitally Delivered Low-Carbohydrate Type 2 Diabetes Self-Management Program
Time : 11:55-12:35
Charlotte Summers, BSc Psychology,
COO, Diabetes Digital Media
Charlotte is responsible for the creation and delivery of digital education programs with proven health outcomes and cost savings. With a background in psychology, Charlotte's passion and expertise lie in creating offline accountability and sustainable health behavioural change in a digital age.
Arjun Panesar, MEng Artificial Intelligence,
Co-founder, Diabetes Digital Media
Arjun has a decade of experience with intelligent health systems and big data. Holding a Masters in Artificial Intelligence from Imperial College London, Arjun's focus is transforming healthcare through empowering patients - through the use of real-world big data and genomics.
Program Topic Areas:
1. Diabetes, obesity, metabolic health
2. Digital Health
3. Nutritional guidelines and best practice
For the past few decades, diet and lifestyle programs for adults with type 2 diabetes have included recommendations to follow a low-fat diet, often using in-person programs. In
parallel, however, research has shown that carbohydrate-reduced diets may more effectively reduce body weight, improve glycemic control, and reduce hypoglycemic medications. Plus, online interventions have shown promise for encouraging these dietary changes. The Low Carb Program has combined these approaches, teaching a carbohydrate reduced, real-food way of eating to adults with type 2 diabetes supported by digital approaches enabling behaviour change and sustainable health improvements.
The goals of this talk are to:
(1) examine the preliminary efficacy of these carbohydrate-reduced digital interventions for reducing body weight, improving glycemic control, and reducing hypoglycemic medications in adults with type 2 diabetes.
(2) Highlight the efficacy of a digital intervention as a method of delivery and behavior change support. The presenters will talk about a commercially available digitally supported program that teaches a low-carbohydrate diet using online videos- and handout-based lessons, weight self-monitoring, dietary self-monitoring, digital social support groups, and medication management through the participants' own healthcare team. Results will be presented from a prospective longitudinal study. Overall, it is the presenters hope that the audience will be provided with new ways to think about diet and lifestyle interventions for adults with type 2 diabetes.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how the Low Carb Program, a digital health intervention has been enabling adults with type 2 diabetes to implement a carbohydrate-reduced diet and lifestyle, in particular, understand how the components of this automated online low-carbohydrate program influence behaviour change
- Understand the potential impact of carbohydrate-reduced diets on weight loss, glycemic control, and medication reduction in adults with type 2 diabetes.
Type 2 diabetes has serious health consequences including blindness, amputation, stroke, and dementia, and its annual global costs are more than $800 billion. Although typically considered a progressive, nonreversible disease, some researchers and clinicians now argue that type 2 diabetes may be effectively treated with a carbohydrate-reduced diet.
Our objective was to evaluate the 1-year outcomes of a digitally delivered Low Carb Program (LCP), a nutritionally focused, 10-session educational intervention for glycemic control and weight loss for adults with type 2 diabetes. The program reinforces carbohydrate restriction using behavioral techniques including goal setting, peer support, and behavioral self-monitoring.
The study used a quasi-experimental research design comprised of an open-label, singlearm pre- and post-intervention using a sample of convenience. From adults with type 2 diabetes who had joined the program and had a complete baseline dataset, we randomly selected participants to be followed for 1 year (N=1000; mean age 56.1, SD 15.7, years; 59% (593/1000) women; mean HbA1c 7.8, SD 2.1, %; mean body weight 89.6, SD 23.1, kg; taking an average of 1.2 diabetes medications).
Of the 1,000 study participants, 708 (70.8%) individuals reported outcomes at 12 months, 672 (67.2%) completed at least 40% of the lessons, and 528 (52.8%) completed all lessons of the program. Of the 743 participants with a starting HbA1c at or above the type 2 diabetes threshold of 6.5%, 195 (26.2%) reduced their HbA1c to below the threshold while taking no glucose-lowering medications or just metformin. Of the participants who were taking at least one hypoglycemic medication at baseline, 40.4% (289/714) reduced one or more of these medications. Almost half (46.4%, 464/1000) of all participants lost at least 5% of their body weight. Overall, glycemic control and weight loss improved, especially for participants who completed all 10 modules of the program. For example, participants with elevated baseline HbA1c (≥7.5%) who engaged with all 10 weekly modules reduced their HbA1c from 9.2% to 7.1% (P<.001) and lost an average of 6.9% of their body weight (P<.001).
Especially for participants who fully engage, an online program that teaches a carbohydratereduced diet to adults with type 2 diabetes can be effective for glycemic control, weight loss, and reducing hypoglycemic medications.
Keynote Forum
Rogier Koning
Founder of Nobism, Spain
Keynote: Results of our First Patient Driven Research Month
Time : 12:35-13:15

Attending the Rudolf Steiner school until High school, educated me to always ask “why” to understand the reason behind it, to be critical and always view subjects from various sides. My personal live thought me that if you find a bull on the way , go around, under or if you have to go over it. Don’t let it stop you. After Highschool Ive studied at the TU Delft for a year changing afterwards to the Design Academy in Eindhoven and started soon my own company to build and design digital work. After moving to Spain Cluster Headaches started to change my life. This was a very big Bull on my road but my determination and stubbornness will bring to the other side of it.
Nobism is building a platform to support Patients, Leaders and their Advocates to collect data and use it do do research. We started by setting-up a Facebookgroup “Cluster Headache – Patient Driven Research” We collect data about our personal symptoms and all the treatments we do to feel better.
We’ve started Collecting data in July and at the moment of this writing we have almost a 100 patient together collecting their data. Beginning of August we will share and analyse our first data set.
Patient Driven research is not the same as Medical research. Its a research based on statistics, symptoms dropping or rising and comparising of treatments taken. Knowing patients do more than only medicines, we’ve added the option to collect data about all treatments we do, to find the best ones available.
Most patient driven projects are setup NON-PROFIT and need to hold out their hands to get funding. Thats a hand you cannot byte. Nobism builds to create a place were patients can be COMMERCIAL like the rest of the world to generate the income for own research and Advocacy.
Nobism will start by supporting existing patient groeps in research. By adding functionality, we’ll transfer groups to nobism.
We aim to become WORLD LEADER in supporting and representing Patients in Research.
Keynote Forum
Rogier Koning
Founder of Nobism, Spain
Keynote: Results of our First Patient Driven Research Month
Time : .

Attending the Rudolf Steiner school until High school, educated me to always ask “why” to understand the reason behind it, to be critical and always view subjects from various sides. My personal live thought me that if you find a bull on the way , go around, under or if you have to go over it. Don’t let it stop you. After Highschool Ive studied at the TU Delft for a year changing afterwards to the Design Academy in Eindhoven and started soon my own company to build and design digital work. After moving to Spain Cluster Headaches started to change my life. This was a very big Bull on my road but my determination and stubbornness will bring to the other side of it.
Nobism is building a platform to support Patients, Leaders and their Advocates to collect data and use it do do research. We started by setting-up a Facebookgroup “Cluster Headache – Patient Driven Research” We collect data about our personal symptoms and all the treatments we do to feel better.
We’ve started Collecting data in July and at the moment of this writing we have almost a 100 patient together collecting their data. Beginning of August we will share and analyse our first data set.
Patient Driven research is not the same as Medical research. Its a research based on statistics, symptoms dropping or rising and comparising of treatments taken. Knowing patients do more than only medicines, we’ve added the option to collect data about all treatments we do, to find the best ones available.
Most patient driven projects are setup NON-PROFIT and need to hold out their hands to get funding. Thats a hand you cannot byte. Nobism builds to create a place were patients can be COMMERCIAL like the rest of the world to generate the income for own research and Advocacy.
Nobism will start by supporting existing patient groeps in research. By adding functionality, we’ll transfer groups to nobism.
We aim to become WORLD LEADER in supporting and representing Patients in Research.
- Health Care Apps |Medical Devices in Healthcare IT |Information & communication technology in Healthcare | e-Prescription |Health Informatics |IT in Medical Research |Electronic Health Record(EHR)
Location: Madrid+Lisbonne

Jan Jacques Michiels
University Hospitals Antwerp, Netherlands

Sanjay Das
Founder & Managing Director at SD Global Technologies Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
Session Introduction
Kishore Dharanikota
Plural Hub LLC, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688, USA
Title: Technologist’s view of Healthcare Innovation
Time : 15:00:15:30

Kishore has more than 18-years of success in client-centric, service-driven environments at various progressive management roles. He is a resourceful technical leader and solutions-driven strategist with a passion for leveraging emerging technologies to achieve key healthcare business objectives. He is experienced in leading complex solution delivery engagements for multiple innovative companies across various sectors including Healthcare, Logistics, Financial and Automobile. He takes a special pride in optimizing healthcare processes through technology innovation to improve quality at decrased cost.
He is the Founder and Principal consultant of Plurlal Hub LLC. With years of experience in healthcare and other sectors, it is uniquely positioned to work on complex enterprise level technology solutions and provide advisory services though our deep process experience. He co-authored a book on IT Systems integration,“BizTalk 2013 Recipes A Problem Solution Approach” published through Apress publications. He lives with his wife and two kids near the foot hills of
Healthcare is transforming through process innovations, reorganizations, consumerization and payment reforms. At the same time, the trifecta of software infusion, digitization of offerrings and ubiquity of information is fracturing industries around the world. Healthcare sector is no exception to following the suite of IT-centric drivers. The technology innovations are accelerating healthcare delivery transformation. Let’s see how “Business Analytics, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Reality and Blockchain” are influencing healthcare.
Immanuel Azaad Moonesar
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, UAE
Time : 15:30:16:00

Dr. Immanuel Azaad Moonesar R.D. is the Assistant Professor of Health Policy who reigns from one of the Caribbean islands: Trinidad and Tobago. His has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Services: Leadership (Superior Distinction) from Walden University, USA. He also currently is the Health Policy Research Leader, the MPA Program Coordinator and also the President of the Academy of International Business – Middle East North Africa Chapter. He has over 85 publications in peer-reviewed journals, peer-reviewed international conferences, co-authored books and book chapters to date.
Given that success requires an open mind and health body, the UAE Vision 2021 National Agenda aims to achieve a world-class healthcare system. One of the many strategic initiatives from the Dubai Health Authority focuses on the enforcement of the electronic medical record implementation and integration, “SALAMA”, under the program of medical informatics and technology. The use of integrated electronic medical record system in health care facilities presents better outcomes in healthcare service delivery to users and beneficiaries. The search for better efficiency in medical service delivery in Dubai Health Authority facilities resulted in momentous reforms in the running of medical records and information systems . The healthcare sector must rely on sophisticated technologies. The electronic medical record system accrue many benefits including the Dubai Health Authority health facilities. In addition, the doctors will be able to have the relevant information to treat a patient at any DHA health facilities. This case study was intended to analyze, assess and document the implementation of SALAMA. The case study concluded that implementation of EMR SALAMA system pose advantageous to DHA patients with improved health care service delivery, increased patient security, and better sharing and access of information of a patient amid health care providers, and with patients for better diagnosis, treatment and follow-ups. This case study recommended the use of a 5-year gradual integration plan to minimize project implementation resistance for change. Secondly, the case study recommended comprehensive budgeting and scoping of the project to include stakeholder training and policy development.
Hassan Malakuti
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran.
Title: A Cohort Study on the cervical precancerous lesion demographic character, prevalence and Practice onits association with Human Papillomavirus Virus subtypes between Iranian populations
Time : 16:15-16:45

I am general physician. I am 47 years old. I born in Iran. I studied in mashhad university of medical sciences. I lived in Mashhad , Iran. I am head of emergency award of hasheminegsd hospital
Retrospective study has reported that cervical cancer is the most common gynecologic malignancy around the world. At the first sight, based on the long-time interval between the pre-cancerous phase and this malignantprogression,and the simple available screening test,in the other hand the well-known correlation between cervical lesion (mainly squamous cell subtype) andhuman papillomavirus, its prevention seems to be simply achieved. Despite all of this concept near 270000 woman's death per year is due to this malignancy.
Cervical cancer prevalence in developing countries is increasing. Epidemiology, prevalence, clinical feature, risk factor and the validity of Guideline based screening approach in our country hadn’t studied in a large prospective study before.
This study aimed to assess the demographic data on Human papillomavirus infected patient and the reliability of the present screening test, and to establish any correlation between the sub type of human papilloma virus(HPV) and cervical lesion progression among Iranian woman in Mashhad.
This cohort study was conducted on 562 patients with cervical intraepithelial neoplasiaand cancer,who was referred to the Gynecology Clinic at Ghaem Hospital-Iran- Mashhad from Nov2016 to Feb 2018. All patients demographic, familial, nutritional, clinical feature, previous screening (consist of Pap smear and HPV typing test) and diagnostic test (colposcopic biopsy samples) results were collected and analysis by SPSS. All the participant were follow up for assessing the progression strength of each HPV subtype during the time. The HPV infected patients were divided into 5 subgroups: HPV16/18, other high risk HPV, HPV 6/11, other low risk HPV, coexistence of high and low risk HPV cases.
Sanjay das
SD Global Technologies Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
Title: People, Processes, and Technology – The three critical pillars of IoT-based device-driven care
Time : 16:45-17:15

Sanjay has spent over two decades in the IT industry in Malaysia. He is passionate about how IT can transform the healthcare industry. At SD Global Technologies, with his great team of experts from healthcare backgrounds, he aims to help the Healthcare Institutes in Malaysia and South East Asia leverage technology to enhance patient care. Sanjay uses his vast experience in the healthcare industry and brings to the table a solid mix of strategy, innovative and integrated thinking, and technology expertise to help healthcare organizations devise a result-driven IT strategy.
People, Processes, and Technology are the three critical pillars of healthcare digital transformation. While the buzz around connected healthcare in increasing, it must be noted that all these three pillars have to work in sync to derive maximum impact in terms of productivity enhancement and improved patient care. In this interactive session, Sanjay Das will talk about how healthcare companies and public health care can leverage the power of IoT by implementing device-driven care. With real-life examples, the attendees will learn how countries are leveraging IoT technologies like drones, zip lines, and mobile devices to enhance last mile health, optimize the delivery of health supplies, and also in chronic disease management.
Christin Ray, Rebecca Gomez, Tia Llewellyn
Florida Hospital Orlando, USA
Title: Triad approach to effectively managing a large open observation department while decreasing costs and length of stay
Time : 17:15-17:45

- Health Information Technology in Rural Healthcare | Health Care Apps | Health Informatics | Remote Patient Monitoring | mHealth | IT in Medical Research | Health Information Technology (HIT) to Improve Health Care Systems
Location: Madrid+Lisbonne

Arjun Panesar
Co-founder, CEO and Head of AI at, UK

Rogier Koning
Founder of Nobism
Session Introduction
Immanuel Azaad Moonesar
Mohammed Bin Rashid School of Government, UAE
Time : 14:30-15:00

Dr. Immanuel Azaad Moonesar R.D. is the Assistant Professor of Health Policy who reigns from one of the Caribbean islands: Trinidad and Tobago. His has a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Health Services: Leadership (Superior Distinction) from Walden University, USA. He also currently is the Health Policy Research Leader, the MPA Program Coordinator and also the President of the Academy of International Business – Middle East North Africa Chapter. He has over 85 publications in peer-reviewed journals, peer-reviewed international conferences, co-authored books and book chapters to date.
E-health has become of paramount importance over the last two decades where the overall reduce the cost of provision of healthcare, improve quality of care and reduce medical errors. The most significant problem is the protection of patients’ data privacy. In the United Arab Emirates, the Dubai Healthcare City maintains its own data protection system (Regulations No. 7 of 2013). The DHCC is a free zone and the healthcare hub of Dubai where it hosts a group of international healthcare professionals and service providers. If the patients are reluctant or refuse to participate in health care system due to lack of privacy laws and regulations, the benefit of the full-fledged e-health care system cannot be materialized. The research study investigated the important characteristics, factors and highlighted possible issues of e-health privacy in Dubai through the perception of the citizens using the e-health care facilities. In the quantitative study, respondents comprised of Health Care Professionals (n=46) and Healthcare Users (n=187) in Dubai, United Arab Emirates. The survey findings that was significant was firstly, the public perception on the data collected are recorded accurately and precisely, secondly, their rights have not been violated and thirdly, they trust the e-health services systems offered in Dubai. There was found to be no significance difference between the nationality and the privacy data statements. The policy analysis and impact can be shaped based on the findings in order to evaluate the success in realizing current strategies and an action plan.
Kishore Dharanikota
Plural Hub LLC, Rancho Santa Margarita, CA 92688 ,USA
Title: Transforming healthcare delivery in large enterprises through technological innovations
Time : 15:00:15:30

Kishore Dharanikota has more than 18 years of success in client-centric, service-driven environments at various progressive management roles. He is a resourceful Technical Leader and Solution-Driven Strategist with a passion for leveraging emerging technologies to achieve key healthcare business objectives. He is experienced in leading complex solution delivery engagements for multiple innovative companies across various sectors including Healthcare, Logistics, Financial and Automobile. He takes a special pride in optimizing healthcare processes through technology innovation to improve quality at a decreased cost. He is the Founder and Principal Consultant of Plural Hub LLC. Having years of experience in healthcare and other sectors, he is uniquely positioned to work on complex enterprise level technology solutions and provides advisory services through deep process experience. He co-authored a book on IT Systems integration, “BizTalk 2013 Recipes: A Problem Solution Approach” published through Apress publications.
Healthcare delivery is more complex than ever, and the healthcare organizations are struggling to balance the delivery of high quality care at an optimal cost to maintain the profitability. These organizations have to aptly plan to overcome the external pressures from policy and regulatory changes, competition and growing consumerism, and yet uphold the internal goals of patient care. The prospects of technology usage in engineering processes have grown exponentially in the last 20 years, with the wave of IT capabilities brought in by the innovation. For an IT leader, who supports the clinical or administrative solutions, a deep understanding of technology trends, and the application of integration, interoperability and analytics play a critical role. They need to catch the waves of innovation and apply them to the organizational IT transformation, where the current processes are supported by legacy solutions with high total cost of ownership. This presentation caters to technology leaders who either commit changes incrementally or take a “big bang” approach to transformation.
Ali Hussain AL-Haddad
Gulf Health Council , Saudi Arabia
Title: Evaluation of Public Health Surveillance System
Time : 15:30-16:00

Dr. Ali Hussain AL-Haddad, BSc, MD, is a Community Medicine Associate Consultant and Public Health Physician. He Completed his training in Saudi Board of Community Medicine and Epidemiology Program at King Saud University in Riyadh and in Jordanian Medical Council in Community Medicine and Public Health Board Program.He had worked as Primary Health care Physician, Medical Director , Unit Director and Project Manager in Ministry of Health. He has been a Director of Expatriates Health Check-up Department at Gulf Health Council Since Apr 2018. He has participated in multiple medical conferences and workshops locally and globally. His interests in Public Health surveillance and Infectious diseases Epidemiology. He is active member at Saudi and International Epidemiology Association, Saudi Society for Family and Community medicine and Saudi Public Health Association.
Reporting is an essential part of the surveillance system for infectious diseases which refers to the process by which surveillance data moves through the surveillance system from the point of generation. Surveillance data should be analyzed routinely and the information interpreted for use in public health actions. Implementation of health information technology can help to enhance surveillance system for better outputs and outcomes.
Alfredo Lazaro Ludeña Gutierrez
National University of Piura,Peru
Title: Acrylamid during the consumption of carob syrup for the estandarization of a technical process-Piura(Perú)
Time : 16:15-16:45

Dr.Alfredo Lazaro Ludeña Gutierrez represents the Agro industrial and Agro alimentary Department of the National University of Piura. He is the Director of Agro industrial Department of the National University of Piura.
The study found 280 ug/ kg of acrylamide(carcinogenic with genotoxic potential) in experimental carob syrup samples that were submitted at a constant temperature of 110 ºC; less than the 303 ug/kg founded by the commercial samples. Correlatively, this results indicated that the more time of exposure of solids soluble and water evaporation during a constant temperature cooking, is related to a higher content of acrylamide in carob syrup. The different quantity of acrylamide contains in the carob syrup marks depends on the productive method, having a variety range from 0 ug/kg of acrylamide to 303 ug/kg. Additionally, the more concentration of solids caused by the temperature, major are the soluble solids that increase other components different than sugars which contribute to a bitterness flavor in carob syrup.
The few per capita consumption and the low frequency of carob syrup consume in the range delimited from 0.7 g/ contribute to not to pass the values limits of acrylamide intake. The combinated presence of acrylamide and HMF (hydroxymethylfurfural) do not overcome the maximum limit consumption of acrylamide;in other words it is not dangerous(real) for the human health considering the low rate of peruvian intake.
There are some commercial samples that indicates an acrylamide result of 0 ug/kg which are probably related to an optimal technical process or the metabolization to another elements that are not studied yet. On the other hand, a young person with a lower weight of 63.7 kg , do not should eat more than 25 daily portions of 42 g of carob syrup with a acrylamide content of 0.303 mg/kg(ppm); instead an adult with a 71.3 kg weight can intake 28 daily portions of carob syrup without any associated health risk to acrylamide consumption. Finally, the less contain of acrylamide in carob syrup is associated to a major daily portions of carob syrup consumption.
Edith Bianchi
Med-S2T, Israel
Title: S2T – A critial pillar and enabler of digital health
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Edith Bianchi is a senior Global Business Development expert, specializing in the Medical device industry – specifically in Digital Health and Wearable applications. She has an impressive and quite extraordinary multi-disciplinary background and qualifications. Those are combining both clinical record as a CRA and Registered Nurse with CICU experience, as well as strong business management orientation with an MBA degree from University of Derby. Ms. Bianchi has a long track international record in Medical Device firms and was a key person in few meaningful strategic cooperations between major global players in the industry. Ms. Bianchi has coined the term S2T (Skin To Thing) and continuosly promotes patient's and users' human factors.
Healthcare IT & Digital Health are fast growing fields. More than 200 million health and fitness mobile Apps were downloaded by users in 2016 according to app measurement firm App Annie, as cited by the Meeker report. 36% of those were fitness themed, 24% disease and treatment, 17% lifestyle and stress, 12% diet and nutrition, and 11% other themes.
The vast amounts of data generated by patients and resulted by their care, as well as personalized Apps, are indeed enormous and fueling the wearables market rapid evolution. HIT and digital health, enable the efficient handling of the collected data both on the clinical and administrative levels. IoT enables now the connectivity of a medical device "Thing" to the Internet.
The starting point of every architecture for Digital health is always the patient and the patient's "Skin" interface To the "Thing" (S2T). However, this crucial element is often overlooked by medical device developers, left for a later stage of design although at times, it may be the determining factor of implementation of the entire digital health process. Most of the focus is directed to the computing and cloud technologies, the electronics and gateways Apps of the data.
When designing a wearable device as a starting point of the digital health process, engineering teams are becoming more and more familiar with Human Factor and Ergonomics elements. These are most crucial with any S2T ("Skin to Thing") solution or a medical patch to adhere the device to the patient's skin. Endless applications such as monitoring, nerve stimulation, drug delivery and many more, are now transforming healthcare as we used to know it.
Crucial factors such as biocompatibility and regulation requirements, the possible material interactions due to manufacturing technologies and comfortability to the end user – these aspects of body/machine interface should be given their deserved attention in order to assure the successful usage and benefits of current technological breakthrough is medical device, fitness, healthcare & pharmaceuticals industries.
- Health Care Apps |Medical Devices in Healthcare IT |Information & communication technology in Healthcare | e-Prescription |Health Informatics |IT in Medical Research |Electronic Health Record(EHR)
Location: Madrid+Lisbonne

Marko Kesti
University of Lapland, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Finland

Sanjay Das
Founder & Managing Director at SD Global Technologies Sdn Bhd
- Health Information Technology in Rural Healthcare | Health Care Apps | Health Informatics | Remote Patient Monitoring | mHealth | IT in Medical Research | Health Information Technology (HIT) to Improve Health Care Systems
Location: Madrid+Lisbonne

Marko Kesti
University of Lapland, Faculty of Applied Sciences, Finland

Sanjay Das
Founder & Managing Director at SD Global Technologies Sdn Bhd, Malaysia
- Health Information Technology in Rural Healthcare | Health Information Technology (HIT) to Improve Health Care Systems | Telemedicine | eHealth | Remote Patient Monitoring | Virtual Hospital | mHealth
Location: Madrid+Lisbonne

Charlotte Summers
COO, Diabetes.Co.UK

Rogier Koning
Founder of Nobism